CBA copy 1. Hand-painted covered board portfolio with a quarter dark green cloth spine, brown cotton ties, title label on front cover; contains 12 letterpress printed poetry broadsides, each an edition of 100, signed by the poets; various dimensions. Broadsides feature collaborations between poets and artists for the 2004 Center for Book Arts Reading Series. Poets and artists include "The Hungry Bowl," Jeanne Marie Beaumont; Delphi Basilicato; Jennifer Verbit / "The Window Washer," Rachel Levitsky; Shanna Yarbrough / "DJ Spinoza Does Not Fight the Begriffon," Eugene Ostashevsky; Timothy Sullivan / "I Can Make a Poem Out of Nothing," Joe Elliot; Champe Smith / "A Needle in the Sky," Phillis Levin; Benjamin D. Rinehart / "The Betrothal," Mary DiLucia; Timothy Sullivan / "Tick," Kenneth Hart; Deplhi Basilicato / "Intuition," Linda Susan Jackson; Jennifer Verbit / "Untitled," Renee Gladman; Nancy Loeber / "Impossible Dream," Tony Hoagland; Earl Kallemeyn / "By the Roadside," Trapeta B. Mayson; Fameorshame Press / "The seat in front of me," Tsitsi Jaji; Amber McMillan.