• Continental 34s / Annabel Wood Levitt
Continental 34s / Annabel Wood Levitt Continental 34s / Annabel Wood Levitt Continental 34s / Annabel Wood Levitt Continental 34s / Annabel Wood Levitt Continental 34s / Annabel Wood Levitt

Continental 34s / Annabel Wood Levitt

Perfect bindings

38 leaves ; 17.1 x 14.4 cm
Vehicle Editions
New York City
CBA copy 1. Edition of 430. Perfect bound with offset printed wrappers; printed vellum flypapers. Book consists of letterpress printed original poetry by Annabel Wood. "Printed by the author at Center for Book Arts, NYC. Face: Garamond; Logo: Miles Lally; Cover Design: Deborah S. Freedman; Text stock: Curtis Tweedweave; Cover: Maximo..."--Colophon.