Nightland / Domaine de la nuit: Ideas of Wilderness and Home in the Art of / Désert et chez-soi dans l'art de Dana Velan / James D. Campbell

Nightland / Domaine de la nuit: Ideas of Wilderness and Home in the Art of / Désert et chez-soi dans l'art de Dana Velan / James D. Campbell


74 p. : col. ill. ; 25 x 28 cm.
Dana Velan
James D. Campbell
Victoria LeBlanc
Dana Velan
Christopher Dodson
Louise Matte
Intra Média
Monograph investigating the drawings of contemporary Canadian artist Dana Velan. Preface, foreword, plates, afterword, list of plate details, and artist's biographical notes included. Also contains a brief chronology of the artist's life, a list of solo exhibitions, a list of group exhibitions, collections, artist associations, and selected bibliography.