Headbands: How to Work Them / Jane Greenfield and Jenny Hille

Headbands: How to Work Them / Jane Greenfield and Jenny Hille


88 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Michael Hohne
Oak Knoll Press
New Castle county
Bookbinding, Headbands (Bookbinding), Book ornamentation
This book includes step-by-step illustrated instructions for the creation of twelve different book headbands: headband with a bead on the edge, headband with a bead on the spine, headband with a bead on the spine and the edge, French double headband, Coptic headband, Ethiopian headband, plain wound double headband, German braided headband, Greek headband, Armenian headband, Islamic headband, Italian Renaissance headband, Monastic headband, and Renaissance Chevron headband. Also included is a bibliography.