The Fall of ATF: A Serio-Comedic Tragedy / by Theo Rehak

The Fall of ATF: A Serio-Comedic Tragedy / by Theo Rehak


109 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Jerry Kelly
Pioneer Press
Rich Hopkins
Theo Rehak
Type and type-founding, American Type Founders Company, Rehak, Theo
This contains the selected memoirs of Theo Rehak as compiled from his personal diaries. The memoir attempts to establish the story as Rehak experienced it of the final days of the American Type Founders Company. The company was founded in 1892, and at its heyday, was considered the largest operation of its kind in the world (employing more than 2000 workers and agents). Contains an inscription by the author reading, “30/VII/07 For Ana, From her friend, the Author, Theo Rehak”.