An Introduction to Letterpress Printing / David S. Rose

An Introduction to Letterpress Printing / David S. Rose


36 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
Five Roses Press
David S. Rose
New York City
Letterpress printing
From introduction: " the wonderful world of letterpress printing! To start you on your way in this exciting, challenging, rewarding and anachronistic avocation, what follows is an introduction, freshly prepared for the start of the new millennium and updated to the end of 2005, to the people, places, and online resources that will save you a great deal of time as you embark upon your letterpress activities. At the end of the document are links to dozens of other sites, many of which themselves contain links to hundreds of additional sites related to letterpress printing." Topics include online and print resources, classes, printing museums, printing manuals, and letterpress equipment and suppliers.