The Jolly Balance / Anne Gilman

The Jolly Balance / Anne Gilman


[32] p. folio ; 21.5 x 14 cm (8.5" x 5.5")
Anne Gilman
Anne Gilman
Limited edition artist book made using computer, digital and hand-drawn imagery; Hand-sewn using a simple pamphlet stitch. Signed edition 100/100.

"This book is based on drawings I made on pages of a 1918 scientific journal that a friend sent me. The obsessive handwriting and detailed charts seemed to insist that things could be explained and controlled. I decided to look behind the procedural descriptions, taking words and phrases out of context to describe things that defy control. 'The Jolly Balance' was a phrase that I found in the original physics journal and refers to an instrument that measures specific gravity. I use it to refer to out attempt to balance all the parts of our lives on a day-to-day basis -- that it is the 'Jolly' Balance, is my way of seeing humor in all we try to juggle." - front matter