• Moravanski Golemovia = The Golems of Moravany / Diane Samuels
Moravanski Golemovia = The Golems of Moravany / Diane Samuels Moravanski Golemovia = The Golems of Moravany / Diane Samuels Moravanski Golemovia = The Golems of Moravany / Diane Samuels

Moravanski Golemovia = The Golems of Moravany / Diane Samuels


14 leaves; 14 x 27 cm (5 1/2 x 10 1/2 inches)
Diane Samuels
Dial Publishing Co.
Offset printed, spiral bound, with unfinished, tan board stock for the front and rear covers; unpaginated, with black and white photographs and text. Content presents the creation of four Golems, each in photographic sequence with accompanying text. English text was translated into Czech by Maria Fischerova.