The Materials and Techniques of Medieval Painting / Daniel V. Thompson

The Materials and Techniques of Medieval Painting / Daniel V. Thompson


239 p. : 21 cm.
circa 1956
Bernard Berenson
New York City
Painting, Medieval, Painting--Technique, Pigments
"Medieval painters built up a tremendous range of technical resources for obtaining brilliance and permanence. In this volume, an internationally known authority on medieval paint technology describes these often jealously guarded recipes, lists of materials, and processes. Based upon years of study of medieval manuscripts and enlarged by laboratory analysis of medieval paintings, this book discusses carriers and grounds, binding media, pigments, coloring materials, and metals used in painting. It describes the surfaces that the medieval artist painted upon, detailing their preparation. It analyzes binding media, discussing relative merits of glair vs. gums, oil glazes, and other matters. It tells how metals were prepared for use in painting, how gold powders and leaf were laid on, and dozens of other techniques." -back matter