The Adoration Aside, There Are Dangers to Being an R&B Heart Throb / Sarah Nicholls

The Adoration Aside, There Are Dangers to Being an R&B Heart Throb / Sarah Nicholls

Pamphlet bindings

4 x 6 in (15 x 11 cm) closed
Sarah Nicholls
New York City
Measures 4" x 6" closed; folds out to reveal a centerfold. Printed from linoleum blocks and hand set metal type on a Vandercook proof press. "What would you do if the unexpected happens? The third in a series of Informational Pamphlets outlines the dangers inherent in heartthrob-dom: the tragedy, the comedy, ups, downs, car crashes, roof collapses, sweaty palms, estranged wives of American Sports Stars, and the endless cycle of self-doubt and self-destruction." - from website