El Arte Nuevo de Hacer Libros / Santiago da Silva

El Arte Nuevo de Hacer Libros / Santiago da Silva


1 book wrapper : ill : 56 x 43 cm., unfolded
Santiago da Silva
Ediciones Hungria
book jackets
Book wrapper with the the text of "El Arte Nuevo de Hacer Libros" by Ulises Carrión reprinted on the verso. The text is reprinted from the first Spanish-language publication of Carrión's "The New Art of Making Books". The text comes from “Plural: crítica y literatura” a literary supplement in Mexican newspaper Excelsior and was first printed in 1975.

Concept and design by Santiago da Silva with text contributions by Mariana Castillo Deball and Mauricio Marcin.

"In this text, Mexican artist Ulises Carrión elaborates on the book as an autonomous artistic space. A seminal text for the understanding of artist books, and books in general. El arte nuevo de hacer libros (The New Art of Making Books) was first published in Spanish in “Plural:crítica y literatura” (1975) a literary supplement in Mexican newspaper Excelsior. An english translation appeared that same year in the magazine Kontexts no. 6-7.

"This re-edition published by Ediciones Hungría is conceived as a book-wrapper or dust jacket. By covering old books found in second-hand shops, the publication acquires the physical qualities of a book. At the same time, all these qualities remain irrelevant to the actual publication." -- from http://www.santiagodasilva.com