Basic Texts for Apprentices in Lithography : Group II Hand Transferring / Lithographic Technical Foundation, Inc.

Basic Texts for Apprentices in Lithography : Group II Hand Transferring / Lithographic Technical Foundation, Inc.


87 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Thormod Monson & Son
New York City
Lithography, Ink, Color prints, Printmaking handbooks
Instructional guide built on the discoveries of Alois Senefelder "that it was possible to transfer to stone a drawing or inscription that was first put on paper with a fatty substance" and that "the transfer process could be used for all products of the book printer's art, type as well as wood-cut." Teaches students the steps for transferring images from original lithographic stones (or metal plates) onto press plates to be used for machine printing runs. Covers registering the images to their page locations, using type with the artist images, cleaning plates to achieve best results, and many pressroom steps that affect the quality of art lithographs printed by non-photographic means. Includes glossary.