Point of View / Sarah Bryant

Point of View / Sarah Bryant


[14] pages : black and white illustrations ; 19 x 13 cm; 7.5 x 5.2 in
Sarah Bryant
Big Jump Press
Artists' books
Number 81 of 100. "'Point of View' is and exploration of one moment and location, one position in space and time. This book incorporates the structural device of the dissection plate into a representation of one person's relationship to their immediate surroundings. Each of four spreads presents a photograph of groupings of people. A series of gate folds allow the viewer to dissect an environment into translucent layers prined [sic] with diagrammatic imagery, color, and text. This layered imagery emphasizes our social anxiety and our tendency to analyze our surroundings...Letterpress printed from metal type and polymer plates on Arches Text Wove and Wyndstone Vellum..." -- from book insert.;" ... the back sides of the gate folds ... presented a challenge. Somehow, this space needed to introduce each spread and use a system which unified the book ... I decided to use a map, complete with dots to indicate locations of people. I used red to highlight the groupings which would immediately follow each map. The central point, which represents the observer whose perceptions the book explores, is gray throughout all of these maps, save the collection of dots on the title page, where it is red ..."--Vamp and Tramp website