• Peru / Angela Lorenz
Peru / Angela Lorenz Peru / Angela Lorenz Peru / Angela Lorenz Peru / Angela Lorenz Peru / Angela Lorenz

Peru / Angela Lorenz

Miniature books

Matchbox: 5.1 x 3.7 x 1.2 cm; book: 4.2 x 3 x 1 cm
Angela Lorenz
Number 3 in an Edition of 15; miniature book housed in a cardboard "La Llama", Peruvian matchbook case. Signed and dated by the artist. Interior of case has thirteen wooden matches glued lengthwise into the bottom. The cover of the contained folio appears to be made from a laminated paper postcard fragment; the binding for the leaves is a single metal staple. The leaves are also made of printed fragments; printed tourist brochure information, currency, credit card receipts, an individual black and white snapshot taken (possibly) from a contact sheet, and halftone advertisement images.