The first volume of a reprint of the 1825 edition published for Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy: London. Printed on acid-free paper, sewn, and cased in a durable buckram cloth.
"This work is partly formed upon the basis of the "Printer's Grammar" published some years ago by Mr. Stower. His, being the latest, was, so far, the book which contained the most information on the practice of Printing... The present volume is, therefore, intended not only to supply that of Mr. Stower, but to include the choicest portions of every prior publication which has appeared in our language relative to printing; with an account of all the improvements and novelties which have been introduced into the profession up to the present period."--preface
Table of Contents: [Vol. 1] Part 1. History of the Art. Historical Introduction; On Paper; On Type-founding [Vol. 2] Part 2. Practice of the Art. General Description of the Apparatus for, and Process of, Moveable-Type Printing; Case; The Press; Fine Printing; Inking Apparatus; Improved Manual Presses; Printing Machines; On Printing Ink; The Observer; The Reader; The Account Books; Warehouse Department; Prices; Stereotype Printing; On Polyautographic Printing, or Lithography; Decorative Printing.