Book Design: A Practical Introduction / Douglas Martin

Book Design: A Practical Introduction / Douglas Martin


206 S : Ill.
Douglas Martin
"The study and practice of book design is an activity for a lifetime... There is no set career route into it, and book designers certainly don't emerge fully-fledged from universities and art colleges--although one must be fair to the one or two situations in various countries which are at any time striving to change this situation... The specific job description on entering into publishing appears to be fairly immaterial for a while--today's secretarial assistant has a fair chance of becoming tomorrow's managing editor--and similarly the design content of an editorial or production post, or the whole direction of a career, may be developed freely according to personal motivation and innate or acquired skills. This study tries to take this situation into account and not just address the designer as professional."--from Introduction by Douglas Martin Table of Contents: Introduction-- The Text Pages-- Typefaces-- Form, Content and Extent-- The Parts and the Whole-- Materials-- Working with Illustrators--