Printing and the Allied Trades / R. Randolph Karch

Printing and the Allied Trades / R. Randolph Karch


xvi. 318 pages
R. Randolph Karch
"Mr. Karch has set forth in the pages of this book in a clear, concise, and well illustrated manner the fundamentals of printing practice."--Introduction by John Clyde Oswald. An attempt has been made in the revision of this book to give a four-fold service--to provide a text to serve: 1. As a junior and senior high school text and work-book in industrial arts printing courses. 2. As a related subjects text and shop work-book for the beginning years of vocational high school and trade school printing courses. 3. As a reference and hand-book for printing apprentices. 4. As a handbook on printing processes for journalists, advertising people and others who have contact with people. Includes sections on type, spacing material, straight composition, proving and correcting, distribution and presswork, display composition, and allied trades. Supplementary readings, problems and project sections will serve as a self-assigning work-book. --Preface by R. Randolph Karch