The Blue Notebook, Volume 3, Number 1, October 2008 / Edited by Sarah Bodman

The Blue Notebook, Volume 3, Number 1, October 2008 / Edited by Sarah Bodman

Serials (publications)

8.125 x 11.75 in
Tom Sowden
Beth White, Penny White
Sarah Bodman
Impact Press
Essays: Robyn Sassen considers the apartheid army as an unexpected incubator for artists' books in South Africa; Dr Anne Hammond examines non-narrative sequence in photographic books; Your Turn: experiments in narrative and play is co-written by Patricia Allmer, Jonathan Carson, Rosie Miller and John Sears, exploring the book as a site for game-playing and storytelling. Kyoko Tachibana writes about the current state of book arts in Japan, where graphic design is prevalent, and artists' books are often considered to be "designed" by artists; Danny Flynn shares his experiments with laser cutting acrylic to replace wood and metal type for letterpress print; and Tate Shaw's Enfolded by Holes, considers the implications of our relationship with the open book. Artists' pages by: David Faithfull, Nick Thurston, Sandy Christie, Baysan Yuksel, E F Stevens, seekers of lice and Carson & Miller. Cover, sticker and badge designed by Beth White and illustrated by Penny White.