The Blue Notebook, Volume 5, Number 1, October 2010 / Edited by Sarah Bodman

The Blue Notebook, Volume 5, Number 1, October 2010 / Edited by Sarah Bodman

Serials (publications)

8.125 x 11.75 in
Tom Sowden
Angela Callanan
Sarah Bodman
Essays and Reviews: Doug Spowart: Every photo deserves a book: the rise of the photobook in contemporary self-publishing. The connections of photography with the book and the key drivers for the emergence of this new author/producer aspect of book making. Lorelei Clark: Making New Worlds: collaboration and its potential for transformation. Andrew Eason: On Making Reading. What is the nature of the relationship between book artists and the people they want to see their work? How does this compare to other versions of the relationship between books and their authors? Kasia Wlaszczyk reviews White Heat, at KALEID editions. Twenty-two artists from various professional backgrounds such as fine art, fashion, photography, book arts, printmaking, painting, interactive digital media and sculpture. Daniel Mellis reviews Detroit City Map by Kati Rubinyi, which presents a picture of modern day Detroit together with a skillfully disordered account of a 1943 race riot. Anastasia Denysenko gives an overview of Ukrainian artists' books and a short introduction to the current state of book arts in Ukraine, featuring the works of several selected Ukrainian artists shown at the Museum of Book and Book Printing of Ukraine in March 2010. Sarah Jacobs presents an online 8-page piece, Apology Typology, which records a visit made to her ebook, Deciphering Human Chromosome 16: We Report Here. Artworks by Djeribi, Dr Book (aka Guy Begbie), Jo Moore, Colin Sackett and Klaus von Mirbach. Cover, badge and sticker design by Angela Callanan.