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Exhibition catalog for "flo: art, text, new media"


Rocío Aranda-Alvarado
Center for Book Arts
Catalog for "flo: art, text, new media," an exhibition at the Center for Book Arts on view April 15, 2009 - June 27, 2009. Organized by Rocío Aranda-Alvarado, Curator, The Jersey City Museum. CBA has two copies.

Text and image are two forms of communication that have enormous potential to combine, intermingle, blend, and flow - thus creating new modes of expression. This is the underlying theme of 'flō: art, text, new media, a group exhibition opening at The Center for Book Arts, on view from April 15 to June 27, 2009.

The exhibition features over thirty artists, whose backgrounds are in different media, including painting, sculpture, video and performance art, printing, and the book arts. These artists are exhibiting new work that exemplifies the creative dynamism of melding the written word with visual arts.

Exhibition Curator Rocío Aranda-Alvarado says: "Through the imaginative prism of these artists, it's no longer necessary to regard text and image as separate substances, like oil and water. Instead, they have profound potential to blend and create a synthesis of expressive forms, something beyond the realm of traditional media.

Featured artists: Cara Barer, Victoria Bean, Karen Bleitz, Terry Boddie, Chris Burnett, Karlos Carcamo, Brendan Carroll, Cheto Juan Castellano, Vidal Centeno, Andrew Demirjian, Dahlia Elsayed, Leor Grady, YOUNG-HAE CHANG HEAVY INDUSTRIES, Heather Johnson, Elaine Kaufman, Swati Khurana, Jessica Lagunas, Tami Lynn, Jeanette May, Emily McVarish, Roni Mocan, Shayok Mukhopadhyay, Clifford Owens, Robin Price, Diane Samuels, Rocco Scary, Holli Schorno, Masumi Shibata, Nyugen Smith, Jennifer Sullivan, Scott Taylor, Delmira Valladares, Alejandra Villasmil, Sam Winston.