Artist's book of 33 unbound linocut prints on Folio bright white 250gsm paper in a double slipcase. Marble dust and ground rose petals were added during the process of printing, beeswax and (airbrush) watercolors were added during postproduction.
"'E unum pluribus' is a quasi book devoid of structure. The project is in a state of puzzled discord, collectively anxious without any permanent physical or chemical bond to hold it together. It aspires to manifest into multitudes of spatial and synaptic iterations wherein each print is a solidary fragment of some other, undefinable whole. 'E unum pluribus' was inspired by actual events, but some of the elements have been changed for dramatic purposes. This book was almost entirely produced at Center for Book Arts in NYC. It took three years, from early 2020 to late 2022, to conceptualize and to execute this idea of a no-book. Its production coincided with the Union organizing drive, which ironically almost drove the Center, and everyone in it, to the ground." -- Artist's statement 12/22