Tender Noted / Shala Miller


256 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
Book Arts Review (BAR)
Shala Miller
Wendy's Subway
Identity (Psychology) in art, Artists' writings
Document Series #7
Designed by Kyla Arsadjaja

Combines photography, poetry, plays / drama, prose, poetic field notes, lullabies, etc.
Red fore-edge/head/foot. 

"Tender Noted is a meditation on the intersection of desire, mourning, and listening to one’s skin while coming to understand the practice of love. This interdisciplinary work brings together images from Miller’s filmic and photographic practice, informed by and given voice to by Miller’s writing. The book’s organizing principle is the echo: between text and image and between bodies and the stages, rooms, and affects they inhabit.
Taking up skin as a site of history and intimacy with the self and across generations, Miller holds space both for the body’s vulnerabilities and its maladies. Moving between poems and lists, diaristic writing, and plays, which feature characters such as Mrs. Lovely, Miller asks what types of speech, postures, and practices define the self within the entanglement of relation. Tender Noted is a study on love in its everyday pain and pleasure"--Wendy's Subway.