Heart of Darkness / Fiona Banner, with photographs by Paolo Pellegrin, in association with the Archive of Modern Conflict

Heart of Darkness / Fiona Banner, with photographs by Paolo Pellegrin, in association with the Archive of Modern Conflict


312 pages : color illustrations ; 33 cm
Fiona Banner
Paolo Pellegrin
Archive of Modern Conflict

Volume 12 in the Four Corners Familiars series, based on Heart Of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. 

"In 2012, Fiona Banner was invited to create an exhibition of works drawn from the Archive of Modern Conflict, a London-based collection of photographs and ephemera relating to war and conflict. After much time delving into the archive, Banner observed a lack of images relating to conflict in the here and now. In a reversal of roles, Banner commissioned Paolo Pellegrin, a Magnum conflict photographer who has worked extensively in the Congo, to observe the City of London – its streets and trading floors, its costume and surrounding strip-clubs – through Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. The resulting photographs were first exhibited at Peer, London under the title Mistah Kurtz – He Not Dead.

A selection of these images now form part of the Archive, they can be found filed under ‘Heart of Darkness, 2014’. They also form the illustrations for this new publication of Conrad’s novella, which takes the form of a luxury magazine."--from the publisher.