Catalog published on the occasion of an exhibition of artists' calendars held January 12 to March 24, 2018 at Lendroit Éditions, in Rennes, France.
Bound in the style of a calendar with wire comb binding, gap in the spine, and hardware for hanging.
With editing by Harold Ancart, Maurizio Cattelan and Pierpaolo Ferrari (Toilet Paper), Paul Chidester, Claude Closky, Jeanne Dunning and Hirsch Perlmann, Brendan Fowler and Andrea Longacre-White, Matthew Geller, GeneralIdea (FILE), Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster and Tommasi Corvi Mora for E Il Topo, JesseHarris, Stéphane Le Mercier, Sara MacKillop, Sophy Naess and Carmelle Safdie, PierreGuilhem, Marie-Amélie Porcher for Yvette and Paulette, Manuel Raeder, Colin Sackett, Matthieu Saladin, Patrick Sarmiento, Erica Van Horn, Marijke van Warmerdam, Lisa Young.