• Easy Pieces comics / Neil Dvorak
Easy Pieces comics / Neil Dvorak Easy Pieces comics / Neil Dvorak Easy Pieces comics / Neil Dvorak

Easy Pieces comics / Neil Dvorak


1 envelope (11 items) : illustrations (some color) ; 31 x 24 cm or smaller
Block-printed string and button envelope containing eleven separate comics of different formats, including five staple bound (saddle stitched) books and six leaflets. Chiefly line illustrations with narrative text. Contains interactive components, such as perforations with instructive prompts and removable inserts. Titled pieces includes "Easy Intro -or- The Life & Times of Me & You"; "SO have You No. 1"; "A Greg & Jett Adventure"; "From the Jupiter Organization to YOU! Treatment #304"; "Me & My Dad & A long time ago"; "Hoist No. 1"; "Enough."; "From the Jupiter Organization to YOU! The Bracer of Kings"; "Push"; and "Lunch with Uncle Chuck".

"Isn't it nice when your gut tells you to follow your heart, and your brain chimes in with, "sounds good to me!"  You trod forth with the will of a giant.  With all your organs telling you one thing, even if you fail there's a silver lining.  How often does that actually happen?  It's fascinating to me that inside one human there can lie such faceted perspective. My story, Easy Pieces, sees its main character (based on me) deal with this faceted nature.  As he quests for truth he is confused by the fact that a man pointing up in China and a woman pointing down in Chile are actually pointing in the same direction.  Why the paradox?  Are humans perhaps not yet mentally equipped to handle the fact that we live on an orb?  Is down still down even when it's equivalent to up?  To make matters worse (or better) he meets the mysterious Jupiter Organization.  They are extremely well organized and have access to resources that could help him weed through all the uncertainties of life.  They can fixate your woes in space-time so that you can walk away from them.  They can show you what emotions look like, so when someone is claiming to be feeling something, you can know if it's true or not.  Where will these revelations lead him?"--Artist's statement, accessed at https://bleedingcool.com/comics/dvorak-shares-his-easy-pieces/ on July 2, 2024